A busy summer and bumper release for Fyne

Welcome back to the Fyne Heroes newsletter - we are excited to highlight a great new project that has been constructed with the toolkit. It's been a very busy summer with releases and new features being explored. If you would like to feature your app in this newsletter just drop a note to someone in the community.

Remote access with Shells.com

A long-time sponsor of the Fyne project, Shells.com offers secure and easy to use remote access for your computers. Their Go based client uses Fyne for the graphics for full-screen 30FPS Remote Desktop viewing and control!


Fyne 2.4: A super sized release!

Rounded rectangles, emoji support, layout debugging and table headers lead the list of features for v2.4.0 release - our largest release since v2.0.0!

Check out also the new text truncation, list types in Preferences, improved keyboard handling in collections and many improvements to data binding as well!

Future feature

A little peak at what is coming round the corner, there is a pull request open for adding internal window borders. Combine this with the proposed MultipleWindows container you can now get many different windows with their own content inside a portion of your application - on any platform!

Creating an App Builder

Working to demonstrate the capabilities of the Fyne toolkit whilst building their next project, Fyne Labs have decided to live-code building their new App Builder. You can watch the videos on YouTube or find out more at fysion.app. You can also sign up as an early adopter and get access as soon as it's ready!


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