Ma(n)y advances in Fyne!

Welcome back to the Fyne Heroes newsletter - we are excited to highlight a great new project that has been constructed with the toolkit. This time we are also able to share two exciting upcoming features for the v2.4.0 release due in the coming month. We also introduce an exciting low-code project that Fyne Labs are looking for feedback on.

Keep it Simple Electronic Medical Records

This exciting project by Dr Samy Akron demonstrate the type of full data management application that can be created using a Fyne UI.

He picked the toolkit for its potential for rapid development and was thrilled with how quickly his app developed.


Fyne 2.4: Layout debugging

One of the frequent requests for people getting started is how can they understand the app layout better. To help with this the next major release will include a layout debug option (build with -tags debug). The screenshot shows how it looks already, and we hope to add more functionality before release!

Fyne Tables get Headers!

Thanks to the fantastic support of our friends at MindPoint Group the Fyne table widget has full table headers and sticky content for the upcoming release.

With this new feature we expect a whole new level of polish for data table applications.

A low-code solution using Fyne

Have you been thinking that you would like to get more of your team involved in app development? Fyne Labs is looking to talk to potential early adopters of a graphical app developer that will help more people collaborate and learn how to build great apps with Fyne.


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